My Philosophy

Life is too short to focus on your weight & food choices. Eat the pizza!

Focus on how your body feels instead of on how it looks.

Have you ever been on a diet that cut out carbohydrates or fat entirely?! I bet you felt cranky, fatigued, hangry, or all of the above! I have been there and it is not pretty. I teach my clients how to eat foods that NOURISH their bodies and keep them feeling their best.

Health is more than what you eat.

Your relationship with food, your mental health, social interactions, etc. are all under the “umbrella” of health. I teach my clients how to eat without restriction and obsession & to ENJOY food without having anxiety over what you eat.

Appreciate that your inner qualities hold much more value than the number on the scale. You are SO much more than your weight.

Are you one of those people that feel the need to step on the scale every day? Does the number you seen on the scale impact your entire day? If this is you, say goodbye to the scale! I teach my clients like you how to love the person you are rather than obsess over a number.

Food is meant to be enjoyed, guilt-free!

Food does not have moral value. Food is not good nor bad. Food IS food. You should not feel guilty about anything you eat. When the guilt comes, you are probably still going to finish eating the food anyways, right?! So, why don’t you just enjoy it!

Food has absolutely no moral value. Your food choices do not define who you are.

Food is nor good or bad. Food is food. Treating yourself to a piece fo carrot cake is not an issue of mortality. It should not make you feel shameful or guilty. You should not feel guilty for fueling your body. Honor your hunger & your cravings. Listen to your body. Eat what feels good to you in the moment & get away from thinking your food decisions have any moral value.

One food, one meal, or one day will not make or break your health.

If you eat your fair share of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, etc., then one meal (or even one vacation!), will not ruin your health. You will still be as healthy. And actually, stressing about something “unhealthy” will be worse for your health than just enjoying it. Treat yourself!